Return Policy

We hope you will be happy with your purchase. However, should you feel it necessary to return an item then we aim to make the return process as simple as possible.

If you are unhappy with any items, simply return them to our local store located at the address shown on the contact page of our website, in the original packaging within 14 days of receipt and we will give you a refund on those products or replace the item according to the following rules.

We work very hard and try everything we can to make sure you are 100% satisfied with your shopping experience at If for some reason we have let you down or things didn't go as planned, we have a hassle-free 14-day return policy and a dedicated team of associates to make it right.

To make a return, take the following steps:

1. Go to our Contact Us page.

2. Send us an email with your Order ID, your name and surname, address, phone number, and email address, and tell us why you would like to return the specific product(s).

Our qualified staff will attend to your request as soon as possible and will get back to you with instructions on how to return the desired products.

This will help ensure the speedy processing of your return.

Please note that when returning an order for a refund, you will be responsible for the return postage unless an error occurs on our part. Once we have received the shipment, we will issue a refund to your method of payment.

Make sure that any return may not be accepted due to different reasons like:

if you destroy the original packaging

if you have broken the item

if you have destroyed the item by any means


The above policy is valid ONLY for online purchases made on, the return policy differs for purchases made at physical stores.